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Black Butts

  • Owner: Guest
  • Uploaded: Jun 11 2009 09:51 PM
  • Views: 1,311
  • Category: The Catch
Black Butts

A haul of reds and black butts at the deep water.

    lots of surfers worldwide are downloading this picture of "Black Butts " only to be very dissapointed... :crazy2:
    What kind of ship is and in what area? How deep?

    Fishermans Friend
    Jun 12 2009 01:57 PM
    Some tusk, blue ling and is that a few argentines that im seeing in there too!
    Aye your spot on Reidy  :crazy2:

    We were catching them atween 280- 300 fathom.
    fit like al at you gotton home again,,yi get a trippy?athought a you big lads was workin i rock inoo
    Landed last Tuesday Sandy, we was workin the deep water 70 mile North o Flugga most o the time, good enough fishin o reds and black butts up there.

    Fit like yerself, wiz the orange beasties oot o there holes this trip ??