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FR249 excelsior, fidelis.jpg

FR249 excelsior, fidelis.jpg

    May 27 2013 06:21 PM
    Maybee nae a lot o wind there, but a big swell. Looks like the Douglas bank I.O.M.

    Cam Watterson
    May 30 2013 12:11 PM
    think thats in douglas bay, or just out the back of the battery peir

    homeward bound
    May 30 2013 06:54 PM
    is a kipper the fastest fish in the sea   ky??

    Cam Watterson
    May 31 2013 06:35 AM
    can send get you a box if you want ky haha, aye mozzys still going in the little June Rose PL.4, they were heading to douglas the other week from the sound and the young fella that's with him said its his turn to take her up, mozzys reply was something along the lines off you can go forth and multiply, we were heading into psm along side him and he gives us a shout to come and pick him up, ran out of fags was another excuse! hahaha

    Cam Watterson
    May 31 2013 06:52 AM
    do you want a jar of jam nd all to stop em repeating on you? haha

    homeward bound
    May 31 2013 07:59 AM

    homeward bound, on 30 May 2013 - 06:54 PM, said:

    is a kipper the fastest fish in the sea   ky??

        Because the one in the fishmongers window was  FLAT OOT !!!!!  :)

    homeward bound
    May 31 2013 08:01 AM

    ky16, on 31 May 2013 - 07:33 AM, said:

    well he hisna changed much then and I never could understand why fishermen run oot ov fags if ye do a 5 day trip take 10 days worth ov fags simples end ov fag worrys  ha ha  its funny sein them gittin crabbit when they run oot

      Or ye get 400 in the stores  and smoke like a beagle !!!!1:) :)
    ballacks ky thats the office fault no the boys keep a list hand it in at squaire up jobs a good un happy boys happy boat smiling faces done it for long enough with no problems mind you would take more than a pack of fags in the stores to put a smile on that ugly big bloated dish of yours haha

    Duncan MacPhail
    Jun 02 2013 01:49 PM
    bloated dish, ha ha.hey im sure you could come back wi one as good .

    Cam Watterson
    Jun 02 2013 02:33 PM
    wheres your other comment gone ky?