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Independence FR196

Independence FR196

sheltering with Budding Rose and Good Intent III off the Scarborough castle

    Title should read Independence  FR 196.
    Cannot find a way to correct this.
    Could admin pse ammend - tks

    Young Knoxy
    Jan 05 2012 06:09 PM
    Changed for you,

    Barry McCrindle
    Jan 05 2012 06:49 PM
    Just for future reference if you click "image moderation", you can edit or move your own images
    Hi Guys

    Just wondering what these vessels are guarding or stand by?? sorry to sound like a novice lol

    hoggy,  the one on the right of the picture GOOD INTENT.111.
    has a yellow penant on her railings on top of her shelter,with GUARD.on it.
    i think the other two are doing the same.
    im not 100% sure if its windfarm, related that theyre guarding, but someone will know.
    could be a elec cable or gas/oil pipe no sure what is in that area some the lads from that side will no better
    tks for changing and info Knoxy/Barry.
    They're all doing a guard job off Whitby but came to SH to shelter
    from the wind a couple of days ago.
    They had to come into SH y'day because wind got too bad.
    Cheers lads