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    Will taylor
    Jun 25 2011 10:25 AM
    Strange name for a boat.  Definition of catatonia is:- 'Abnormality of movement and behavior arising from a disturbed mental state. It may involve repetitive overactivity, catalepsy, or negativism.'
    I know it's not good practice to change a name but I would be tempted unless I fancied a giggle. I'm having one now. Lol.
    Will your right its a strange choice of name ,our son is called Tony and its a cat ,hence the name , strangely some of the definitions could be applied to him ! LOL

    Will taylor
    Jun 25 2011 10:37 AM
    Glad you got a sense o humour, Norman. I had guessed it would be created from family names as so many were. It's just that I deal with catatonia in my job. Still I retire next year and will have my own boat then.  Might name it after my daughters which would be 'El-Al'. Lol.
    how did all them boxes come off one small cat :cheers::cheers:
    Not to long to wait then Will you can,t beat retirement ! not many people would have heard of Catatonia i must admit i didn,t until he was looking for a boat name .
    Off two small cats Kalren still a good haul though
    The boxes on the right are Catatonias
    looks very good to me,nice lot of crab salads there
    where,s the lobbys
    a dozen boxes o beasties an twa o them :cheers:  noo thats a shot :cheers: