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Pittenweem but whats that weird looking craft.

Pittenweem but whats that weird looking craft.

PITTENWEEM and that weird looking boat- ODIN of ROTTERDAM...........
What is it?
It's a modern type of dredger which only works on the ebb tide.  It doesn't scoop up the mud but blows air into it with a huge pump that lifts the mud and suspends it in the water. The silt then gets carried out on the tide. Interesting? I think so.  You learn something every day.
In case you're wondering how it got here from Rotterdam..............on two lorries!
Thanks to Dave Todd for the info.

    Its amazing what it moves.worked in Ramsgate for a week and just distroyed the mud bank.Down side is it leaves a lot of sediment behind,so as soon as you go ahead or a stern it stirs it up.  Order your new water pumps now cos its been here twice and on both occasions I've needed a new pump or seal kit

    Will taylor
    Jun 19 2011 12:16 PM
    Interesting, Kalren.  I'll pass it on. :cheers: