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guide me,guide us and ranger

guide me,guide us and ranger

    Adoration II
    Nov 14 2008 08:01 AM
    everyone nos the slimer awn
    wherebouts the day commander rick?

    Adoration II
    Nov 14 2008 10:07 AM
    056.26.717 006.41.879 towin south rumbli day pickin away shortin the distance now baits ovarrrrr
    is this the local refuse dump?? it resembles 3 skips with wheehouses on them  :smitten: ;)
    you hear what that cheeky clam sayin maddog, thought  all 3 of us lookin not bad for 3 old done scratchers, think fisherlad a bee in his bunnet about wee boats feckin the fishing.I think before this summer is out he will be wishing he had to keep his skip wi a big wheelhouse instead of being a master and commander of a twin rigger parading about up and down the milk run every day.

    Adoration II
    Feb 02 2009 02:16 PM
    o dear  ;) think someone who ever he is is hiding his name 2 cause trouble ;) :smitten: ;) who is he awn
    did u steal fisher lads toys when u wer weans awn he has it in for u what did u do to him

    DCI paterson
    Feb 02 2009 03:05 PM
    fisherlad is andrew ramsay.hellish the way your nephew is speakin about your bonnie wee boats.

    Adoration II
    Feb 02 2009 03:08 PM
    i would say fisherlad got a sharp knife maddog way a mouth like that  :smitten: ;) ;)
    i should have know better but bit rusty being off 4 so long, lucky i held back wi comments or could of been pistols at dawn. And it was,nt toys i stole maddog ovaaaaaaaaaaar