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Swell Damage - Kirkaldy

Swell Damage - Kirkaldy

hoose for sale "open plan living room"

    definately just a stones throw from the river. O0

    bryan DE127
    Mar 31 2010 09:58 PM
    The power of the sea and the house has been in the same place for about a 100 years been a long time since the east coast has had a sever N/E gale on the top of a big tide.

    Will taylor
    Mar 31 2010 11:01 PM
    Where was this pic taken? I know there was a helluva swell yesterday with the front at Kirkcaldy being shut off.
    west anster, next ti whare the old golf cleek factory wiz,shore road
    My goodness !!!  Aye me mam was saying that the waves (which when high at Rosemarkie, BlackIsle, usually whip over the wall) were coming in and straight over last night....whole sea was at level above road and wall well under that lol...she is up road looking down the brae and all she could see was lumps of water and no road lol !  I've seen it bad there but that sounds worse than I've seen...am glad I live on a hill ha ha  O0
    jist shows you the damage thon huge double eyed parlours kid daewhen they tak off in a swell O0 :D O0 O0
    the hoose owner better get this fixed pronto or some o thon anster boys wull be shootin a fleet or twa here on the next big tide O0 :D O0