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Bellemar TT76

Bellemar TT76

Old Richard the brains of the firm

    quiet waters
    Nov 13 2008 01:02 PM
    no no no, way before that when i got banned from the kintyreforum, the older brother keeps telling me i should write a blog, but as you can see i have absolutely feck all of any interest to say about anything, who'd be mad enough to want to read the sh!te that i write? oh!!! its you!!! i'll need to find something better to do the day or i'll be filling the site with complete nonsense, the extra meds have kicked in and its like being very stoned, i was well known in my youth for talking for hours to a captive audience about absolutely nothing, once started you can't shut me up, they couldn't leave as i had one of only three videos in the toon at the time,(jack and robert wallace had the other two) thats how long ago it was!!! oh and it was my dope, being a young fisherman had its bonuses, average wage was £65 and i was spending that on rocky, leb and pakki black, used to buy a pound at a time, feck i wish i was 18 again, i'm depressed their burying the scottish doc on stargate atlantis on the telly, bagpipes playing the dark island, wits the link to that porn movie site you've aye got minimised on your screen? you know the one at the top of your favourites list, where you build up your wrist strength for those big lifts at gigha in the summer!!!!!! something boys.com or boys something.com, that the one?