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tarbert 50s

tarbert 50s

sunday evening

    this is dowlers age group come on Donald put names to them
    dowlers there alright and so are u.

    johntar tt10
    Dec 29 2009 07:59 PM
    gies a clue swivel, high or wee free
    you were  right about the one you named of the photo james

    Brian Ward TT24
    Dec 29 2009 08:41 PM
    only recognised the Croans boxes , which made into small rectangular boats to sail off the Battery. Also nice shot of the Maisie TT83.
    scripture union if u joined u got to there picnic .twigging the 40ftr in the background.

    Brian Ward TT24
    Dec 29 2009 09:05 PM
    I mind the Scripture Union, didn't you get a little green badge with a brass lamp on? Just before my time....there's not often I can say that these days.
    Don't think you will find me in it john no my scene.
    a can spot u dowler wi the bowel haircut not hard to see u always doon at the front
    Wiggy standing with hands in pockets Mary Cameron in red cardy