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Noss Head Sweepline

Noss Head Sweepline

The Noss Head CN 144 holding the Silver Cloud CN 267 out of the net. Don't know the name of the other CN registered boat steaming past, but she looks like she's ready to land.

    Dec 27 2009 10:57 AM
    my da reckons that some of the old cambeltown men  who fished in kincasslagh told his father that it was simply to do with the very first motor boats having `wing`engines and the prop coming out of the `quarter`therefore having a safe side to shoot from as the prop wasn`t through the sternpost and no more than side trawling being carried out on one side it was a habit that was formed (the early men here with the rings would shoot it whatever side it was handy-that`s why-the question was asked).