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One for BigAlan: Golden West in the Kyles of Bute ... looking good after the major overhaul

    Thanks Jay, it's me on the bow, actually as the wife points out, I still have the body warmer in the garage.

    Just trying to figure out where the picture is taken exactly

    Good one Jay,

    I'm at the helm must have needed a tricky manoeuvre I've kicked my big (well older) brother outside to do the donkey work. Can't place where this is taken either.

    Alan :crazy2:

    Jay Cresswell
    Oct 12 2009 09:53 PM
    S'in the Kyles guys
    Will eventually rmember exactly where
    Possibly the pier at Tighnabruaich but the presepctive doesn't seem quite right
    Early year by the look o-things
    Not sure if I had Margaret Alison (green and black) or Glendale at the time (reddish-maroon)
    Looks like my crew Colin's grubby overalls shooder in the pic

    Yes looks like the West has been out all winter on trips, in need of repaint. We don't have tyres over or any punters on, so might just be out for the weekend, we always anchored with the chain and CQR when doing overnight stops, must just have lifted because didn't leave it over the side like that when running. In terms of where used to anchor in Wreck bay or Glen Caladh when in that area.

    Must confess my jeans had seen better days


    Jay Cresswell
    Oct 12 2009 10:05 PM
    Yes, Bute's got that winter broon moquette look
    Up towards Glen Caladh bit looking towards but seems to ring a bell

    Jay Cresswell
    Oct 12 2009 10:06 PM
    Or maybe we were out with a party of anglers as we did that quite regularly
    But certainly the Kyles