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Young Knoxy

Young Knoxy

Me at the table with the creel and Barry working the hauler

    agree with yous. I was close to goin fishin, but saw an advert for clyde marine and became an engineer instead.
    Might go fishin when I retire (at 40).

    on the subject of gloves, I use bait thats at least a year old,so i wouldnt consider takin the lid off the pail without gloves on.

    Barry McCrindle
    Dec 05 2009 09:45 AM
    We were trying to put him off a bit, more the salt that rips your hands to shit, no really go much of a smell after  year that stuff as its completely dried out with being salted.
    Hopefully be looking at 40 for getting out of yachting gives me another 7 years of this
    aye go and do something you can fall back on when i left the school i wish i went and did a apprentchip or something to fall back on.
    Barry said : Hopefully be looking at 40 for getting out of yachting gives me another 7 years of this

    You must have had a hard paper round as a kid then Barry - 33!  :cheers:


    Steve E. (54)
    im like yerself knoxy couldna wait t get left school and awa t sea didna do na aprentiship or nothin and have no regrets,,well so far

    Young Knoxy
    Dec 05 2009 07:12 PM
    cheers bfsanders at last some encoragement to go to the job if theres no scots goin to the job the industry will not survive
    hell, barry, surely yachtin is a pastime, nae an occupation?:cheers:

    pink gin and all that mallarky  :cheers:
    Go yourself young knoxy! Sea must be in your blood my man. Some days i wish it wasnt in mine when fishing is slack and weather is so poor as it has bn and still is this year! Then it all goes right and you get some nice lifts. Bliss thats why we do it!!!! Keep the spirit alive stick in my man make your family proud when you sitting in that nice comfy wheelhouse chair wae the heater on and the water spraying over the wheelhouse windows!    :cheers:

    Young Knoxy
    Dec 05 2009 07:49 PM
    Aye there wee go its amazing what a wee bit of encoragement can do ehh haha sea it is for me and as you say its in my blood from both sides o the family.

    Barry McCrindle
    Dec 05 2009 07:53 PM
    Aye well Jonnie, it's a decent enough past time, better than working for North Star in the north sea thats for sure.  Still lets me get home and play around with the boat and enjoy it.
    As for you Steve, guess the years of fake tan have just kept you young looking! then again maybe have  aquick glance in the mirror  :cheers: