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700 of dogs

700 of dogs

Tommy Finn beached the Gleaner in Ramsay, Isle of Man in May 1998 after taking 700 boxes of dogfish in one haul.

Another LP Record

    the truth is ,dunard,that an old ramsey widow,whose husband had recently passed away,gave LP a fair isle jumper with a matching yellow balaclava.I,ve never seen him wearing the matching set but that,s where the gannet thing came from. :crazy2:
    The Old Ramsey Women must have been fond of him to donate a full plumage of gannet feathers. I can just imagine the gulls scattering as he folds the wings in and takes careful aim at the full and rounded cod-end.
    there was no time to pause and consider (uncle)or for risk assessment in these days.short memory!.
    it's a wonder LP didnt start scrubbn the bottom wi a brush....aye a brush tht had been stained and varnished! one thing is for sure he would have been hiding when the real work started!! :crazy2: O0