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away for the north

away for the north

willie dickson collection

    Saffron and Saphire at fuel berth?
    och och get to spec savers quick
    Don't remember the Maid with a bow fender.
    aye she had a bow fender when new there is free eye tests for over 60s .keep ur eyes of they windows at the sealock and study the boats

    johntar tt10
    May 20 2009 06:20 PM
    Dan had a senior moment there Swivel, thinking of the maid's again ochone ochone
    hes to busy lookin for the white aprons jt no sure because he is holding back
    village belle and village maid at fuel berth  . ann marie in sealock evelyn just going in wee maireared and margarita over in corner charna there as well get ur glasses on dowler and u might see alister mcphails dormobile
    Boat inside the Charna is the Cailach